Developing Mathematical and Technological Competencies of Students Through Remodeling Games and Puzzles
Diego Lieban, Marina Menna Barreto, Sandra Reichenberger, Zsolt Lavicza, and Ruana M. Schneider

Proceedings of Bridges 2018: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture
Pages 379–382
Short Papers


This paper presents and discusses teaching experiences in which mathematical and technological competencies of students are developed through games and puzzles. Elementary Students were encouraged to play some games in its physical form and then challenged to digitally recreate them. Also, a group of middle school students were motivated to do it reversely: start playing with an already existing digital game, remodel it using the software GeoGebra, and then print the pieces using a 3D printer and play the game in its physical form. Observations from this experience suggest that the activities improved students’ geometric vocabulary and understanding of transformations. In addition, students had opportunities to work collaboratively to develop basic understanding of programming, and to creatively solve various problems that naturally emerged during the transition process.
