Bridges Finland 2016
Jyväskylä, Finland
9–13 August 2016
More information
Front matter
Regular Papers
Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors: Mathematics Meets Art and Architecture
Pages 1–8
World as Numbers: Living in an Algorithmic Culture
Pages 9–14
Squares that Look Round: Transforming Spherical Images
Pages 15–24
Immersion in Mathematics
Pages 25–32
The Elevation of Coxeter's Infinite Regular Polyhedron 444444
Pages 33–40
From Klein Bottles to Modular Super-Bottles
Pages 41–48
Tuti Weaving
Pages 49–56
Fostering Creativity in the Teaching of Mathematics with Project Based Learning
Pages 57–64
The Size and Shape of Utopia
Pages 65–70
Hypocycloid Juggling Patterns
Pages 71–78
Visual Arts and Mathematics Education: Looking for Integrative Phenomena
Pages 79–86
Interlinking Polyhedral Wire-Frames
Pages 87–96
Mathematics Learning through Arts and Collaborative Problem-Solving: The Princess and the Diamond-Problem
Pages 97–104
Three Mathematical Sculptures for the Mathematikon
Pages 105–110
Combinatorial Poppies
Pages 111–118
Tendril Motifs for Space-Filling, Half-Domino Curves
Pages 119–126
Modeling Braids, Cables, and Weaves with Stranded Cellular Automata
Pages 127–134
Helical Petrie Polygons
Pages 135–140
Some Girihs and Puzzles from the Interlocks of Similar or Complementary Figures Treatise
Pages 141–150
Turing-like Patterns from Cellular Automata
Pages 151–158
From Checkerboard to Cloverfield: Using Wang Tiles in Seamless Non-Periodic Patterns
Pages 159–166
Underlying Tiles in a 15th Century Mamluk Pattern
Pages 167–172
Artefacts to Enhance Geometrical Thinking
Pages 173–178
The Conformal Hyperbolic Square and Its Ilk
Pages 179–186
Geometry and Aesthetics of Pentagonal Structures in the Art of Gerard Caris
Pages 187–194
A Taxonomy of Generative Poetry Techniques
Pages 195–202
Not only Art but also Rocket Science
Pages 203–208
Hex Rosa
Pages 209–216
Fractal Gaskets: Reptiles, Hamiltonian Cycles, and Spatial Development
Pages 217–224
Shape-Changing Polyhedra
Pages 225–232
Planes and Frames: Spatial Layering in Josef Albers' Homage to the Square Paintings
Pages 233–240
Portraits of Groups on Bordered Surfaces
Pages 241–246
Genera Esfera: Interacting with a Trackball Mapped onto a Sphere to Explore Generative Visual Worlds
Pages 247–254
Geometric Circles in Aleksis Kivi's Texts
Pages 255–262
Euler-Cayley Formula for ‘Unusual’ Polyhedra
Pages 263–268
Dancing Math: Teaching and Learning in the Intersection of Aesthetic and Mathematical Literacy
Pages 269–276
A Mathematical Approach to Obtain Isoperimetric Shapes for D-Form Construction
Pages 277–284
A Graph-Theoretic Approach to the Analysis of Contra Dances
Pages 285–292
Koch-Like Fractal Images
Pages 293–300
A Study on Geometric Constructions on Brickwork Decorations in Iranian Architecture
Pages 301–308
The Rhythm of a Pattern
Pages 309–316
The Analysis of the Geometric Decorations of the Stone Half-Columns of Friday Mosque of Isfahan
Pages 317–324
Another look at Pentagonal Persian Patterns
Pages 325–330
Geometric Patterns as Material Things: The Making of Seljuk Patterns on Curved Surfaces
Pages 331–336
Colors and Incomputability
Pages 337–344
Strictly Coding: Connecting Mathematics and Music through Digital Making
Pages 345–350
Short Papers
A Bridges Center for Mathematical Connections in Art and Science
Pages 351–354
Constructing Meaning Through Making and Creating
Pages 355–358
Prime Portraits
Pages 359–362
Phylogenetic Analysis of the Ancient Greek Paeonic Rhythms
Pages 363–366
A New Algorithm for Rendering Kissing Schottky Groups
Pages 367–370
Beautification of Islamic Patterns via Constraint Satisfaction
Pages 371–374
Molecular Modeling of Four-Connected Zeolite Frameworks with Mathematical Beading
Pages 375–378
Generalized Brunes Stars and System of Pythagorean Triples
Pages 379–382
Knight Mazes
Pages 383–386
Mathematikon: A Mathematical Shopping Center
Pages 387–390
Lights Out Animations
Pages 391–394
A Recursion in Knitting
Pages 395–398
Polyhedral Tableaux
Pages 399–402
Gödel, Escher, Bach: Just Another Braid
Pages 403–406
A Musical Polyhedron Updated for the 21st Century
Pages 407–410
Organic 3D Mesh Creation Through Particle-Based Physics Simulation
Pages 411–414
Pied de Pulse: Packing Embroidered Circles and Coil Actuators in Pied de Poule (Houndstooth)
Pages 415–418
Digital Mechanics and The Rolling Coin Clock
Pages 419–422
Bridges as an Incentive to Collaborative Works II
Pages 423–426
Representational Random Walks
Pages 427–430
A Fast Algorithm for Creating Turing-McCabe Patterns
Pages 431–434
A Zometool Model of the B-DNA
Pages 435–438
Off the Wall: A Brief Report
Pages 439–442
Snub Polyhedral Forms Constructed from Flexible 60-120 Degree Rhombic Tiles
Pages 443–444
A Rose By Any Other Name...
Pages 445–448
Thoughts on Generative Art
Pages 449–452
Extracting Unit Cells from Tilings with Color Symmetries: Case of Counterchange Patterns
Pages 453–456
Sculpturing Surfaces with Cartan Ribbons
Pages 457–460
Mathematics Meets Cinema: La Figure de la Terre
Pages 461–464
Prelude Op. 11, No. 1 by A. Scriabin: ICVSIM Relations
Pages 465–468
Sections of Coxeter Orbihedra
Pages 469–472
A Successful Art&Math Exhibition with Workshops II
Pages 473–476
Novel Textile Knot Designs Through Mathematical Knot Diagrams
Pages 477–480
Chladni Figures Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension
Pages 481–484
L-System Nomographs: Aesthetics to Calculation
Pages 485–488
Baton Rolling on a Series of Curved Surfaces
Pages 489–492
Texturing Coloured Images in Black and White
Pages 493–496
The Hendecagonal Stars in the Alhambra
Pages 497–500
The Golden Ratio and the Diagonal of the Square
Pages 501–502
The Pythagorean Theorem as a Rooted In-tree Dependency Graph
Pages 503–506
Polygon Spirals
Pages 507–510
Pattern Design Using Cellular Automata and Iterative Relocation System
Pages 511–514
The Math and Art of Folded Books
Pages 515–518
Two Non-Octave Tunings by Heinz Bohlen: A Practical Proposal
Pages 519–522
Repeating Fractal Patterns with 4-Fold Symmetry
Pages 523–524
Three-Dimensional Score: Seeing Music, Hearing Sculpture
Pages 525–528
The Pentagonal Numbers Meet the Choose-4 Numbers
Pages 529–532
Pointillist Graphing of Iterated Function Systems
Pages 533–536
Plane-filling Curves on Transitive Grids
Pages 537–540
The Fourth Dimension in Mathematics and Art
Pages 541–544
A Eulogy in Honour of Anders Johan Lexell, an 18th Century Finnish Mathematician
Pages 545–548
Flatscape of Measure Polytopes
Pages 549–552
Teaching Combinatorics with “Poly-Universe”
Pages 553–556
Spelunking Adventure VI: An Equal Tempered Icosahedral Scale
Pages 557–560
Some Interactive Tools for Examining Renaissance Ciphers
Pages 561–564
Mathematics on TV? Yes, We Can!
Pages 565–566
Teaching and Learning Basic Group Theory Through Building Models of Polyhedra
Pages 567–570
Scales and Temperament from the Mathematical Viewpoint
Pages 571–574
Blogging Math Art
Pages 575–578
Possibilities of the Parabola
Pages 579–582
Classifying Hexagonal Tilings in Islamic Architecture with a Single Numerical Parameter
Pages 583–586
Creating the “Discover the Art of Math” Exhibition
Pages 587–590
Why Do Mathematical Presentations Sometimes Sound Like Cookery Shows?
Pages 591–594
The “Dual Nature” of the Point
Pages 595–596
Workshop Papers
Mathematics Through the Matrix of Poetry
Pages 597–600
Modelling Environmental Problem-Solving Through STEAM Activities: 4Dframe's Warka Water Workshop
Pages 601–608
Rhombic Triacontahedron Puzzle
Pages 609–614
Fractal Flipbooks
Pages 615–620
Elliptic Paraboloids in Circumpolar Vernacular Architecture
Pages 621–624
Spinning Arms in Motion: Exploring Mathematics within the Art of Figure Skating
Pages 625–628
Exploring the Arts Online with the Wolfram Language
Pages 629–632
Lumifold: a STEAM Activity
Pages 633–634
Dual Models: One Shape to Make Them All
Pages 635–640
Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Movement and Mathematics in College
Pages 641–648
Origami as a Tool for Exploring Properties of Platonic Solids
Pages 649–654
Pages 655–658
Euclid's Digital Elements: Straightedge and Compass Softwares as Aid for Geometrical Design
Pages 659–662
Legerdemain: Exploring Tessellation with CatsEye
Pages 663–666
Similarity Drawn Freehand
Pages 667–672
How to Draw Perspective Directly on a 3D Plane
Pages 673–680
Mathematical and Physical Properties of Rope Made for Decorative Purposes
Pages 681–688