Bridges Aalto 2022
Helsinki and Espoo, Finland
1–5 August 2022
More information
Front matter
Invited Papers
ORIGAMETRIA: Using Origami to Teach Geometry
Pages 1–1
Mirror Symmetry Collages in Folded Paper
Pages 2–2
Stand-Up Mathematics
Pages 3–3
Logic, Chaos, and Writing Science Fiction
Pages 4–4
The Art of Inverse Problems
Pages 5–5
What I Learned in 25 Years Crocheting Hyperbolic Planes
Pages 6–6
Formulations: Practices of Architectural Mathematics
Pages 7–7
Do Not Erase
Pages 8–8
Regular Papers
Gosper Sculptures Revisited
Pages 9–16
Wave, Boy's Surface, and Machine
Pages 17–24
A Sham Schwarz Surface Based on a Squircle
Pages 25–32
Polyhedra with 90° Dihedral Angles
Pages 33–40
Constructing Wooden Polyhedra
Pages 41–48
Quadratis Puzzles
Pages 49–56
Controlling Textures in TSP Art
Pages 57–62
A Greedy Algorithm for Generative String Art
Pages 63–70
Adjustable Duotone Mosaic Tile Brightness via Bézier Boundaries
Pages 71–78
Equations in Poetry
Pages 79–86
Diagonal Interleaving Poetry: A New Generative Permutational Poetic Form Inspired By Error-Correcting Coding Theory
Pages 87–94
Measures of the Massive Mountain in Aleksis Kivi’s Play Kullervo
Pages 95–102
Cutting and Sewing Riemann Surfaces in Mathematics, Physics and Clay
Pages 103–110
Crested Cactuses and Mathematical Sculpture
Pages 111–118
Single Line Apollonian Gaskets for Fashion
Pages 119–126
Decorating Polar Zonohedra with Islamic Geometric Patterns
Pages 127–134
Ptolemy, the Regular Heptagon, and Quasiperiodic Tilings
Pages 135–142
Penrose Tiling Arrangements of Traditional Islamic Decagonal Motifs
Pages 143–150
Beautiful Geometry: a STEAM Experience in a Professional Development Course for Mathematics Teachers
Pages 151–158
Geoweaving: Fold-Up Baskets from Dessins d'Enfants
Pages 159–166
Algorithmic Approach to Triangular-Twist Tessellations: Adding spacings as a Creative Method
Pages 167–174
Linked Knots from the Gyro Operation on the Dodecahedron
Pages 175–182
Exploring Mathematics with Curvagon Tiles
Pages 183–190
Triply Periodic Links
Pages 191–198
Conway Still Life Drawing
Pages 199–206
Collaborative Gomoku Mosaics
Pages 207–212
Spiral Based Point Cloud Representations of Sculptures
Pages 213–220
Chip-Firing Revisited: A Peek into the Third Dimension
Pages 221–228
Juggling Dancers: Passing Props and Partnering Paths
Pages 229–236
Composite Number Polyrhythms: Animating and Sonifying the Divisor Plot
Pages 237–244
Knitting Knots & the Framing Anomaly
Pages 245–252
Thales' Theorem, Pythagorean Triples, and Geometric Art
Pages 253–260
A Self-Ruling Monotile for Aperiodic Tiling
Pages 261–268
Wallpaper Patterns with Voronoi Diagram Motifs
Pages 269–276
Short Papers
Closed Surface Envelopes
Pages 277–280
Randomizing Your Digits: Generatively Knit Mittens
Pages 281–284
Generative Zellij
Pages 285–288
Spiral Ruled Surfaces
Pages 289–292
Sonifying Games
Pages 293–296
Portals to Non-Euclidean Geometries
Pages 297–300
Approximating Edge-Touching Regular Polygon Patterns Using Chain Maille
Pages 301–304
Drill Jigs for Wooden Ball-and-Stick Models
Pages 305–308
Nice Knots
Pages 309–312
Self-Similar Quadrilateral Tilings and Deployable Scissor Grids
Pages 313–316
A Book Launch in Memory of John Sharp
Pages 317–318
A Fish Pattern on a Regular Triply Periodic Polyhedron
Pages 319–322
Orderly Branched Tangles Based on Carbon Nanotube Inspired by Grossman’s Sculptures
Pages 323–326
Changing Spots: Using Combinatorics to Count Japanese Braiding Patterns
Pages 327–330
Photogenic Knot Projections on n×n×n Rubik’s Cubes
Pages 331–334
Generalized Pythagorean Lutes
Pages 335–338
Paper Hyperbolic Sculptures
Pages 339–342
Parametric Design of a Ceiling with the Ammann-Beenker Tiling
Pages 343–346
Algorithms to Construct Designs for Foundation Paper Piecing of Quilt Patchwork Layers
Pages 347–350
Deltoidal Kaleidoscopes
Pages 351–354
Capturing the Complexity of the Julia Set
Pages 355–358
The Dodocahedron and Other Poly-fill-hedra
Pages 359–362
How to Tune a Stiff Sawtooth
Pages 363–366
Visualizing Virtual Vector Fields
Pages 367–370
Alexandrov Puzzle
Pages 371–374
Grafting Tessellations for Fabric Origami
Pages 375–378
Polystix Sculpture Design Revisited
Pages 379–382
Transition Processes for Frieze Patterns
Pages 383–386
Revisiting Ad Quadratum and Ad Triangulum to Generate Hyperbolic Tessellations
Pages 387–390
Generating Families of Islamic Star Rosette Patterns Based on k-Uniform Tilings
Pages 391–394
Exploring Symmetry Through Portuguese Tiles in Historical Monuments
Pages 395–398
Artistic Depiction of Numbers Defined by Sets
Pages 399–402
Prime Factorization Fractal Tilings
Pages 403–406
Trisection of an Angle
Pages 407–408
Rep-tile Font
Pages 409–412
3D Printed Models of Wild Spheres
Pages 413–416
Synthesizing Mathematics, Art, and Synesthesia
Pages 417–420
Creating Auxetic Structures in Three-Dimensional Weaving
Pages 421–424
Architecture and Teaching: Two Websites Meet
Pages 425–428
The PhoTOP and the Art of the Spiral
Pages 429–432
Ideal Triangulations of Surfaces: A Comic
Pages 433–436
Abelian Sandpile Quilting Blocks
Pages 437–440
Paying Homage to Folk Art Using Platonic Solids
Pages 441–444
Arts and Magic Square Symmetries
Pages 445–448
Mean Beethoven
Pages 449–452
Brownian Bridges on Polygons
Pages 453–456
Halving Processes in a Square
Pages 457–460
Exploring Music as a Geometric Object
Pages 461–464
Exploration of Drip Painting Through Swarm Robotics
Pages 465–466
Hypercylindrical Art
Pages 467–470
Growth Forms of Grid Tilings
Pages 471–474
Workshop Papers
How to Draw a Virtual Cubical Perspective Box
Pages 475–480
Tensegrity Polyhedra Models
Pages 481–488
Wild Songs: Finding the Voice of the Land Through Imaginative, Mathematical Compositions
Pages 489–492
Looping Hyperbolic Surfaces
Pages 493–498
Proportional Thinking and the Materiality of Monoprinting
Pages 499–506
Modular Origami Map Coloring Models
Pages 507–514