Bridges Seoul 2014
Seoul, Korea
14–19 August 2014
More information
Front matter
Regular Papers
Salvador Dalí and the Fourth Dimension
Pages 1–10
Bubbles and Tilings: Art and Mathematics
Pages 11–18
How to Crochet a Space-Filling Pancake: the Math, the Art and What Next
Pages 19–26
Modular Duotone Weaving Design
Pages 27–34
The Planar Space Groups of Mamluk Patterns
Pages 35–42
People and Computers Agree on the Complexity of Small Art
Pages 43–50
Top-ology: A Torque About Tops
Pages 51–58
Torus Knots with Polygonal Faces
Pages 59–64
Math + (A)rt at the Winnipeg Art Gallery
Pages 65–72
Stripey Squares
Pages 73–78
The Art of Random Fractals
Pages 79–86
Some Hyperbolic Fractal Tilings
Pages 87–94
Two Solutions to An Unsolvable Problem: Connecting Origami and GeoGebra in A Serbian High School
Pages 95–102
An Indoor Alternative to Stereographic Spherical Panoramas
Pages 103–110
Sangaku-Japanese Mathematics and Art in 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries
Pages 111–118
Flamenco music and its Computational Study
Pages 119–126
Recursive Rosettes
Pages 127–134
Geometry Ascending a Staircase
Pages 135–142
The quaternion group as a symmetry group
Pages 143–150
The Meta-golden Ratio Chi
Pages 151–158
Constructing Drawings of Impossible Figures with Axonometric Blocks and Pseudo-3D Manipulations
Pages 159–166
The Design of a Reconfigurable Maze
Pages 167–174
Geometric Study of Architectural Designs on a Twelfth Century Structure
Pages 175–182
Symmetry Groups of Islamic Patterns at the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque
Pages 183–190
The Kinochoron: A Manipulable Wire Model of the 16-cell
Pages 191–196
Juan Gris' Color Symmetries
Pages 197–204
Color, Texture, and Geometry
Pages 205–210
Lattice Labyrinth Tessellations
Pages 211–218
From Mathematical Diagrams to Knotted Textiles
Pages 219–224
Regular Surfaces and Regular Maps
Pages 225–234
Elevations and Stellations
Pages 235–242
Decorating Regular Polyhedra Using Historical Interlocking Star Polygonal Patterns — A Mathematics and Art Case Study
Pages 243–252
Dancing Deformations
Pages 253–260
“LEGO®” Knots
Pages 261–270
Three Mathematical Views of In C
Pages 271–278
Creating Self Similar Tiling Patterns and Fractals using the Geometric Factors of a Regular Polygon
Pages 279–284
closed loops with antiprisms
Pages 285–292
What is a Pattern?
Pages 293–300
Toss and Spin Juggling State Graphs
Pages 301–308
Lobke, and Other Constructions from Conical Segments
Pages 309–316
Short Papers
Preservice Elementary Teachers: Creative Thinking, Pedagogy and MathArt Projects
Pages 317–320
Sinan's Screens: Networks of Intersecting Polygons in Ottoman Architecture
Pages 321–324
Game-of-Life Mosaics
Pages 325–328
Inversive Kaleidoscopes and their Visualization
Pages 329–332
Visualizing Affine Regular, Area-Preserving Decompositions of Irregular 3D Pentagons and Heptagons
Pages 333–336
Taking a Point for a Walk: Pattern Formation with Self-Interacting Curves
Pages 337–340
Three Color “2 : 1 : 1” Designs
Pages 341–344
An Introduction to Leaping Iterated Function Systems
Pages 345–348
Cardioidal Variations
Pages 349–352
Random Processes and Visual Perception
Pages 353–356
Color Symmetry in the Hand Woven Mats of the Jama Mapun
Pages 357–360
Common Threads between Mathematics and Quilting
Pages 361–364
The Beauty of an Archetype: Prime Numbers
Pages 365–368
Design of a nature-like fractal celebrating warp knitting
Pages 369–372
Pages 373–376
Capturing Eight-Color Double-Torus Maps
Pages 377–380
Target Curves for Pick-up, Carry, and Drop Mobile Automata
Pages 381–384
Mathematical Sequences and Artists' Books
Pages 385–388
A Plane-Filling Curve Using Ammann A5 Tiles
Pages 389–392
Homages to Geraldo de Barross
Pages 393–396
Voronoi Phyllotaxis Tiling on Fermat Spiral
Pages 397–400
Drawing with Elliptical Arcs
Pages 401–404
Hyperbolic Tilings with Truly Hyperbolic Crochet Motifs
Pages 405–408
Sources of Flow as Sources of Symmetry: Divergence Patterns of Sinusoidal Vector Fields
Pages 409–412
The Genius as a Characterization of the Creative Spirit in Mathematics and the Arts
Pages 413–416
Engaging Groups with Large-Scale Construction Events
Pages 417–420
Korean Seon (Zen) and Mathematical Visual Poetry
Pages 421–424
Non-periodic Tiles Based on Ammann Set A2 Tiles
Pages 425–428
Java Runes
Pages 429–432
Complex Polynomial Mandalas and their Symmetries
Pages 433–436
Adding Emotion to a Mathematics Book with Pop Song Poetry
Pages 437–440
Art and Symmetry of Scottish Carved Stone Balls
Pages 441–444
Generating a “3D” Image from One Continuous 2D Curve
Pages 445–448
Right-Angle Preference in Impossible Objects and Impossible Motions
Pages 449–452
Nonspherical Bubble Clusters
Pages 453–456
Seeing a Fundamental Theorem
Pages 457–460
Making Sunshine: A First Geometric Sculpture
Pages 461–464
Emergent Spirograph-like Patterns from Artificial Swarming
Pages 465–468
Forms from Minkowski Triples of Circles
Pages 469–472
Fractional Beauty
Pages 473–476
Rhythm Similarity and Symbolic Dynamics
Pages 477–478
The Entropy of K-Pop songs
Pages 479–480
On Colouring Sequences of Digital Roots
Pages 481–482
Amazing Labyrinths, Further Developments IV
Pages 483–484
Workshop Papers
A Playful Geometry Workshop: Creating 3D Polyhedral Structures from Innovative 2D Self-Assembling Paper Folding Units
Pages 485–492
The Mathematics behind the Art of the Death Spiral
Pages 493–496
A Binary Dance Workshop
Pages 497–502
From Sangaku Problems to Mathematical Beading: A Hands-on Workshop for Designing Molecular Sculptures with Beads
Pages 503–508
A Workshop on Making Klein Bottle using 4D Frame
Pages 509–514
Loopy Dances
Pages 515–518
Universal Magic Cube: A Hands-on Workshop for Closed Cubic Kaleidoscopes with Infinite Reflections
Pages 519–524
Geometric Constructions of Korean Danchong Patterns and Building Platonic Solids
Pages 525–532