Bridges Leeuwarden 2008
Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
24–28 July 2008
More information
Front matter
Lessons in Duality and Symmetry from M.C. Escher
Pages 1–8
The Sculpture Manifold: A Band from a Surface, a Surface from a Band
Pages 9–14
Color Mixing using Colliding Particles
Pages 15–20
Hankin’s ‘Polygons in Contact’ Grid Method for Recreating a Decagonal Star Polygon Design
Pages 21–28
Connected Holes
Pages 29–38
Metamorphosis in Escher’s Art
Pages 39–46
The Catenary: Art, Architecture, History, and Mathematics
Pages 47–54
Mathematical Beauty in Architecture
Pages 55–62
The Borromean Rings: A Video about the New IMU Logo
Pages 63–70
Systematic Approaches to Color Interaction: Limited Palettes for Simultaneous Contrast Effects
Pages 71–78
Building a Möbius Bracelet Using Safety Pins: A Problem of Modular Arithmetic and Staggered Positions
Pages 79–86
The Brachistochrone Problem between Euclidean and Hyperbolic
Pages 87–92
Sculpting from the Inside Out “540 Hidden Split Torus”
Pages 93–100
Patterning by Projection:Tiling the Dodecahedron and other Solids
Pages 101–108
Pull-up Patterned Polyhedra: Platonic Solids for the Classroom
Pages 109–116
From Sierpinski Triangle to Fractal Flowers
Pages 117–122
Designing Symmetric Peano Curve Tiling Patterns with Escher-esque Foreground/Background Ambiguity
Pages 123–130
Doyle Spiral Circle Packings Animated
Pages 131–138
Intricate Isohedral Tilings of 3D Euclidean Space
Pages 139–148
The Mathematics of the Channel Anamorphosis
Pages 149–154
A Sangaku Revived
Pages 155–162
Inpainting of Ancient Austrian Frescoes
Pages 163–170
A Computer Aided Geometric Model of a Ten-Plane Polyhedral Transformation
Pages 171–178
Neo-Riemannian Geometry
Pages 179–186
A Comparative Phylogenetic-Tree Analysis of African Timelines and North Indian Talas
Pages 187–194
The Maths of Churches, Mosques, Synagogues and Temples
Pages 195–200
Interactive 3D Simulation of Escher-like Impossible Worlds
Pages 201–208
Procedural Generation of Sculptural Forms
Pages 209–218
Counting the Number of Site Swap Juggling Patterns with Respect to Particular Ceilings
Pages 219–224
The Mathematics of Mitering and its Artful Application
Pages 225–234
Connecting the Dots: The Ins and Outs of TSP Art
Pages 235–242
Manipulating Images with Fractal Julia Sets
Pages 243–250
Making Patterns on the Surfaces of Swing-Hinged Dissections
Pages 251–258
Edge-Based Intersected Polyhedral Paper Sculptures Constructed by Interlocking Slitted Planar Pieces
Pages 259–264
Diffusion Processes and Light Installations: Mathematics, Visualisation, and Perception
Pages 265–272
Interactive Demonstrations with Mathematica 6
Pages 273–280
A Closer Look at Jamnitzer's Polyhedra
Pages 281–288
A Fractal Crystal Comprised of Cubes and Some Related Fractal Arrangements of other Platonic Solids
Pages 289–296
Medieval Islamic Architecture, Quasicrystals, and Penrose and Girih Tiles: Questions from the Classroom
Pages 297–304
Recursion, Symmetry & Tessellation with Software based Video Feedback Systems
Pages 305–310
Coxeter Groups in Colored Tilings and Patterns
Pages 311–318
Porter’s Golden Section, Experimentally
Pages 319–326
Perspective Drawings of Lattices
Pages 327–332
Some Interesting Observations Regarding the Spidrons
Pages 333–340
A “Circle Limit III” Backbone Arc Formula
Pages 341–346
Connecting Mathematics and the Arts through the Magic of Escher for Elementary School Students
Pages 347–352
Module-Based Sculptural Constructions
Pages 353–362
Painting the Total Picture
Pages 363–368
Cosmati Pavements: The Art of Geometry
Pages 369–376
Teaching Group Theory Using Portraits of Groups
Pages 377–380
Four Bar Linkages
Pages 381–384
The Tangramoid: Recent Developments
Pages 385–388
TENSEGRITIES: Design, Analysis and Constructing
Pages 389–392
Pattern by Design – Not by Chance
Pages 393–396
Using Binary Numbers in Music
Pages 397–400
Image Stitching: From Mathematics to Arts
Pages 401–404
Can Geometry Create Art?
Pages 405–408
Masterpiece: Interactive Evolution in Visual Domain
Pages 409–412
The Art of Equations
Pages 413–416
Mathematical Secrets of Seven
Pages 417–420
Pages 421–424
A Geometric Model Applied To Urban Order
Pages 425–428
Mathematics in Rangolee Art from India
Pages 429–432
Polyhedra with Equilateral Heptagons
Pages 433–436
Triblock Origami Spheroid Workshops
Pages 437–440
Mathematical Eyes on Intercultural Communication Processes
Pages 441–444
Ternary Codes in Psychology, Culture, and Art: Information Roots
Pages 445–448
Artistic ideas regarding ‘Print Gallery’ by M.C. Escher
Pages 449–452
A Guide to Creating Escher-like Bird Motif Tessellations
Pages 453–456
Using D-Forms to Create a Calder Type Mobile
Pages 457–458
Some Regular Toroids
Pages 459–460
Juno's Spinner Truncated Icosahedron
Pages 461–462
Mathematics and Arts: Finding the Horizon of Understanding for Arts Students
Pages 463–464
Visualization of Rhyme Patterns in Two Sonnet Sequences
Pages 465–466
Create a Mathematical Banner Using the Lute, the Sacred Cut, and the Spidron
Pages 467–468
Hammam: Bath House, an Ancient Heritage in Iran
Pages 469–470
Shape and Transformations
Pages 471–472
Imaging, Mathematics, and Art
Pages 473–474
SUDOKU Puzzle Generates a Minimal Art Sculpture
Pages 475–476
Aesthetic Beauty of Rotation
Pages 477–478
The Speed of Mathematics
Pages 479–480
The Hidden Art in a Dynamic Geometry Software Program
Pages 481–482
Projecting Mathematical Curves with Laser Light: A Tribute to Ptolemy
Pages 483–484
Fibonacci Tornado: Phylotaxy Spirals consisting of all Similar Triangles
Pages 485–486
Three Musical Geometries
Pages 487–488
Spatial Anisotropy in Aesthetic Impression of Simple Color Arrangement Patterns
Pages 489–490