Bridges Richmond 2024
Richmond, Virginia, USA
1–5 August 2024
More information
Front matter
Invited Papers
An Artist’s Apology: “I contain multitudes”
Pages 1–1
Growing Objects
Pages 2–2
The Machinist Sculptor
Pages 3–3
Tales of Escher and Tiling Hyperbolic Space
Pages 4–4
Only Connect
Pages 5–6
Double Take: Geometry, Perspective, and Optical Illusions
Pages 7–14
Hypercube Models via Genus Embeddings
Pages 15–22
Visual Representations of Positive Integers using Geometric Patterns
Pages 23–30
Regular Papers
Experimenting with the Golden Ratio in Poetry
Pages 31–38
On and On: Infinity in Song
Pages 39–44
All You Need is Math… to Write a “Hit” Song!
Pages 45–52
Serialism Applied to a Mathematical Curiosity: The Musical Analogue to the Smallest Known Sierpiński Number
Pages 53–60
The Music and Mathematics of Maximal Evenness in Graphs
Pages 61–68
Unvexed Conformal Bodies: Musical Instruments, Ensembles, and Notations Derived from the Johnson Solids
Pages 69–76
How ‘The Sex Lives of College Girls’ May Shape Perceptions on the Culture of Mathematics
Pages 77–84
Abstract Geometry Meets Studio Art: Oil Painting the Fano Plane
Pages 85–90
Drawing on a Skating Rink
Pages 91–98
Hans Hinterreiter's Flowing Fields
Pages 99–106
Labyrinths and Space-Filling Curves, Spirals and Tessellations: Topological and Geometrical Implications of Cartesian to Polar Transformations
Pages 107–114
Heart of Domain Coloring
Pages 115–122
An Orthogonal Mate for a Latin Square Based on an Asymmetric Tile, II
Pages 123–130
Periodic Strips from Aperiodic Tiles
Pages 131–138
Large Islamic Rosettes in an Octagonal Frame
Pages 139–146
The Flat Tile Set Enables Non-midpoint Tile Edge Crossings
Pages 147–154
Ammann Grid and Knot Structure of a Quasiperiodic Girih Pattern
Pages 155–162
Interlace Patterns Emerging in a Penrose-Type Islamic Design
Pages 163–170
Artsy Pseudo-Hamiltonian Tours
Pages 171–178
Counting a Class of Photogenic Knots on 9×9×9 Rubik’s Cubes
Pages 179–186
An Initial Attempt at a Mathematical Treatment of Translational Coordinate-Motion Puzzles
Pages 187–194
Particle-hedra: Generating Polyhedra with Inter-Particle Forces
Pages 195–202
Enhancing Polyhedra, Tilings, and Surfaces with Cone-Studding
Pages 203–210
Frieze Decompositions of Wallpaper Patterns: Origami Models for the cmm Class
Pages 211–218
Rotated Grids for Origami Tessellation Pattern Alignment
Pages 219–226
Attainable Symmetry in Generalized Hitomezashi Patterns
Pages 227–234
Connected Weaving: What Computational Patterning Can Contribute to Complex Weaving Utilization
Pages 235–242
Best Practices for Data Embroidery
Pages 243–250
The Pattern Project: Designing Educational Material Combining Fashion and Mathematics
Pages 251–258
3D Weaving Patterns and Modular Kirigami
Pages 259–266
Triply Periodic Helical Weaves
Pages 267–274
Handle-Bodies Inspired by Tengstrand’s “3-2-1”-Sculpture
Pages 275–282
Ceramic-based Mixed Media Topological Sculpture
Pages 283–288
Maximally Complete Maps on Orientable Surfaces
Pages 289–296
Menger-Slice Inspired Fractals based on the Pentagon, Dodecahedron, and 120-Cell
Pages 297–304
Playing with Connections and Variations: Golden Sierpinski Spirals
Pages 305–310
Applying the Iterative Development Process: The Creation of Fractal Emergence
Pages 311–318
The Art of Space-Filling Domino Curves
Pages 319–326
Fractals from Hinged Hexagon and Triangle Tilings
Pages 327–334
Zigzag Mosaics and Single-Line Drawings
Pages 335–340
Short Papers
Building Pentagonal Icositetrahedra
Pages 341–344
Kagome Gyroid
Pages 345–348
Looking for Lovely Links in Lattices
Pages 349–352
Arcs on Spheres and Snakes on Planes
Pages 353–356
Enclave Depth in Hitomezashi Stitchery
Pages 357–360
Predicting Planned Pooling Patterns
Pages 361–364
An Embroidered (3,7) Hyperbolic Butterfly Pattern
Pages 365–368
Amigurumi Crochet Patterns from Geodesic Distances
Pages 369–372
AR Markers Meet Fashion
Pages 373–376
Cosmatesque Geodesics
Pages 377–380
Oriented and Non-Oriented Cubical Surfaces in The Penteract
Pages 381–384
A Group Activity to Build an Aperiodic Spectre Tiling
Pages 385–388
Hats in Grout: Practical Tiling with Aperiodic Monotiles
Pages 389–392
A Group Activity to Make a Hat Tiling with Paper
Pages 393–396
Chip-Firing with Walls and Dying Vertices
Pages 397–400
Replacing Ammann’s A4 Tiling Vertex Key by a Stitching Constraint
Pages 401–404
Hyperbolic Isogonal Tilings from Uniform Edge Colorings
Pages 405–408
Knitting on Helicoid Scaffolds
Pages 409–412
Origami Birthday Gifts: A Preliminary Report
Pages 413–414
Mathematical Texts as Illuminated Manuscripts: Augmenting Hand Lettering with Calligraphic Fonts in LaTeX
Pages 415–418
The Gift Of Entropy
Pages 419–422
Algorithms for Generating Crease Patterns from Sewing Patterns
Pages 423–426
An Aperiodic Pied-de-Poule (Houndstooth) Tiling for e-Fashion
Pages 427–430
Group Theory-based Dynamic Tiling for Geodesic Dome Design
Pages 431–434
So-Soo-Yoo: A Game of Strategy and Chance on the Number Line
Pages 435–438
The Mathematics and Design of a New Deck of Playing Cards
Pages 439–442
The Art of Knot Data
Pages 443–446
Perspective Driven Barrier Grid Animation
Pages 447–450
Stranding Webs
Pages 451–454
Escher: An Engine for Exploring Hierarchical Combinatorial Tilings
Pages 455–458
Danceability, Directed by Braid Index
Pages 459–462
Volume-Enclosing Minimal Surfaces of Torus Knots and Links
Pages 463–466
Rendering Grayscale Images with Square and Hexagonal Generalized Truchet Tiles
Pages 467–470
Trading Exact for Simple
Pages 471–474
Mirrored Image Montages
Pages 475–478
n-Flake Variations
Pages 479–482
Unicursal Corrugated Baskets
Pages 483–486
Constructing the Snub Cube via Intersection of Generalized Steinmetz Curves
Pages 487–490
Eden Model for Pentagons
Pages 491–494
Properly Scaling the Speed of a Model Roller Coaster
Pages 495–498
Generating Trace Renditions Using Human Swarm Principles
Pages 499–502
Brunnian Ti-Links: Using Tiles to Generate Finite and Infinite Brunnian Links
Pages 503–506
Gosper World: A Hexagonal Map Using Gosper Fractals
Pages 507–510
A Modular Sculpture Corresponding to Three Rotations
Pages 511–514
Polyhedral Cages: An Aesthetic Generalisation of Regular Solids
Pages 515–518
Regular Arrangements of Platonic Solids
Pages 519–522
Tricurves: Behind and Beyond Tiling
Pages 523–526
Beyond the Dragon: A Novel Class of Fractal Curves
Pages 527–530
Workshop Papers
How to Sew a Nine-Color Map on a Genus-Three Torus
Pages 531–536
From Knot Diagrams to Crocheted Topological Surfaces
Pages 537–544
Dyeing to Make an Orbifold
Pages 545–552
Bend-a-Ball: Make Flexible Zonohedra and Other Polyhedra with a Simple Modular Origami Edge Unit
Pages 553–560
A Woven Klein Quartic
Pages 561–566
Creating Square Koch Surfaces Using Origami
Pages 567–572
Sprang: Exploring an Ancient Form of Textile Weaving Through Handwork, Movement and Poetry
Pages 573–580
To Look on Beauty Bare: Mathematics as Metaphor in Poetry
Pages 581–586
A New Kind of Play for A-Puzzle-A-Day
Pages 587–594
Polyhedral Pysanky
Pages 595–602
Shaping with Code and Mouse in Twoville
Pages 603–610
Using Kronecker Powers to Create Bead Art
Pages 611–618
Artfully Modeling Hyperbolic Planes through Tessellations
Pages 619–626