Bridges 1998
Winfield, Kansas, USA
28–30 July 1998
More information
Front matter
Art, Math, and Computers: New Ways of Creating Pleasing Shapes
Pages 1–10
Architecture and Mathematics: Art, Music and Science
Pages 11–20
Finding an Integral Equation of Design and Mathematics
Pages 21–28
New Directions for Evolving Expressions
Pages 29–36
Automatic Interval Naming Using Relative Pitch
Pages 37–48
Continuum, Broken Symmetry, and More
Pages 49–54
Origami Tessellations
Pages 55–68
The Poetics of Mathematics in Music
Pages 69–72
Bridges of Mathematics, Art, and Physics
Pages 73–82
Chaos Theory and the Fall of the Aztec Empire
Pages 83–86
The Mathematics of Steve Reich's "Clapping Music"
Pages 87–92
The Circle: A Paradigm for Paradox
Pages 93–112
Let the Mirrors Do the Thinking
Pages 113–120
Pythagorean and Platonic Bridges between Geometry and Algebra
Pages 121–128
Subjective Fidelity and Problems of Measurement in Audio Reproduction
Pages 129–138
Hyperseeing, Hypersculptures and Space Curves
Pages 139–156
Problems with Holbein's Ambassadors and the Anamorphosis of the Skull
Pages 157–166
Conveying Large Numbers to General Audiences
Pages 167–174
Mathematics and Poetry: Discrepancies within Similarities
Pages 175–180
Spontaneous Patterns in Disk Packings
Pages 181–194
Icosahedral Constructions
Pages 195–202
Mathematics in Three Dimensional Design: The Integration of Mathematical Thinking into the Design Core
Pages 203–208
A Symmetry Classification of Columns
Pages 209–224
Math and Metaphor
Pages 225–236
A Visual Presentation of Rank-Ordered Sets
Pages 237–244
Symmetry, Chemistry and Escher's Tiles
Pages 245–254
A Taxonomy of Ancient Geometry Based on the Hidden Pavements of Michelangelo's Lurentian Library
Pages 255–272
Symmetry, Causality, Mind - Abstract
Pages 273–274
Sliceform Sculptures-a Bridge between Art and Mathematics - Abstract
Pages 275–276
Interpersonal Hypothesis and the GUHA Method - Abstract
Pages 277–278
Eco-Mathematic/Geometric Aspects of a Design Proposal for Landscape/Public Art - Abstract
Pages 279–280
Traces of the Geometrical Ordering of Roman Florence - Abstract
Pages 281–281
The Violin Surface Fitting - Abstract
Pages 282–282
Geometrical Poetry - Abstract
Pages 283–286
Geometry as Libera(l)ing Art in Wren's St. Paul's Cathedral - Abstract
Pages 287–288
Relationships of Science, Mathematics and My Constructive Art: A Personal Survey - Abstract
Pages 289–290
What is the Difference between a Banjo and a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle? Answer: You Can Tune the Harley - Abstract
Pages 291–292