Bridges Coimbra 2011
Coimbra, Portugal
27–31 July 2011
More information
Front matter
Regular Papers
Playing With Surfaces: Spheres, Monkey Pants, and Zippergons
Pages 1–8
African Basketry: Interweaving Art and Mathematics in Mozambique
Pages 9–16
The Poetry of Prime Numbers
Pages 17–24
Creating Two and Three Dimensional Fractals from the Nets of the Platonic Solids
Pages 25–32
A New Kind of Three-Dimensional Anamorphosis
Pages 33–38
A Mad Weave Tetrahedron
Pages 39–44
Abstract Overlays using a Transport Network Model
Pages 45–50
The Art of Complex Flow Diagrams
Pages 51–58
Polyhedral Knots and Links
Pages 59–64
The Geometry of Organic Architecture: The Works of Eduardo Torroja, Felix Candela and Miguel Fisac
Pages 65–72
From Chain-link Fence to Space-Spanning Mathematical Structures
Pages 73–80
A Method for Music Symbols Extraction based on Musical Rules
Pages 81–88
Abacaba! – Using a Mathematical Pattern to Connect Art, Music, Poetry and Literature
Pages 89–96
Egyptian Architecture, Posadas' Metaphor for Composition
Pages 97–104
Photographic Fractal Trees
Pages 105–112
Sentinels: Sculptures Inspired by the Native Americans' Culture
Pages 113–120
Tori Story
Pages 121–130
Virtual Environment Kit for Visual Arts
Pages 131–138
Three Approaches to Regular Linked Structures
Pages 139–146
A Nine- and Twelve-Pointed Star Polygon Design of the Tashkent Scrolls
Pages 147–154
Algorithmic Fluid Imagery
Pages 155–162
Spulenkorb: Utilize Weaving Methods in Architectural Design
Pages 163–170
Rigge Envelopes as Art Inspiration
Pages 171–178
Resilient Knots and Links As Form-Finding Structures
Pages 179–186
Sudoku Art
Pages 187–194
Formal Literary Constraints in the Works of Boris Grinberg
Pages 195–200
Arc Forms: Interactive Exploration of a Discrete Combinatorial Design Space
Pages 201–208
Smooth Self-Similar Curves
Pages 209–216
Transformative Modular Textile Design
Pages 217–224
Operation Comics: The Story Continues
Pages 225–232
A Formal Approach for High-Level Automatic Rhythm Generation
Pages 233–240
Phi Divisions of the Square: a Categorization of Composition Strategies
Pages 241–248
Opt Art: Special Cases
Pages 249–256
Art in Shadows of the Six-Dimensional Cube
Pages 257–262
Flying Patterns
Pages 263–270
Mathematical Hints for Parameter Selection for AA Patterns
Pages 271–278
Visual Representations of Biblical Poetic Parallelism
Pages 279–286
Pitch-Space Lattices: Tonnetze and Other Transpositional Networks
Pages 287–294
From Lissajous to Pas de Deux to Tattoo: The Graphic Life of a Beautiful Loop
Pages 295–302
Warping Pictures Nicely
Pages 303–310
Hyperbolic Truchet Tilings
Pages 311–318
Through and Around Instead of Over and Under: Another Way of Weaving
Pages 319–328
“Without Emotion, There Is Nothing Left But Burden”: Teaching Mathematics Through Heathcote's Improvisational Drama
Pages 329–336
Symmetry Orbits: When Artists and Mathematicians Disagree
Pages 337–344
The Dynamics of Grid Square Dances
Pages 345–350
Performing Mathematical Magic
Pages 351–356
Symmetric Stick Puzzles
Pages 357–364
Geometry as a Source of Inspiration in Contemporary Art
Pages 365–372
The SpHidron Conjecture
Pages 373–378
Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum: A Bridge Between Art and Astronomy?
Pages 379–386
Inside and Outside the Rhombic Hexecontahedron
Pages 387–394
The Roman Villa in Rabaçal and Álvaro Siza
Pages 395–402
Good Stamps for Wallpaper Patterns
Pages 403–410
Short Papers
Using Triangle Parts to Create a Paper Quilt
Pages 411–414
Geometric Structures and Forms as Visual Art Compositions
Pages 415–418
A Virtual Installation of Sierpinski Triangle
Pages 419–422
A Method for Expandable Regular Tessellation
Pages 423–426
Creative Circle Design
Pages 427–430
At What Level Do Mathematical References Act In Contemporary Architecture?
Pages 431–434
20 Seconds Into the Future: Narrative Space for Maths Motivations
Pages 435–438
Mathematical Furniture
Pages 439–442
The Idea of Time, Motion and Dynamism in Art
Pages 443–446
Soccer Balls
Pages 447–450
Introduction to Ideal Quilts
Pages 451–454
Painting in Geometric Key
Pages 455–458
Futurism, Geometry of “Photodynamism” and Digital Photography
Pages 459–462
Geometric Forms that Persist in Art and Architecture
Pages 463–466
Fractal Aesthetics in Geometrical Art Forms
Pages 467–470
Malbec, Ornament and Rustication
Pages 471–474
Story Telling with a Mathematical Flavor
Pages 475–478
Bending Hyperbolic Kaleidoscopes
Pages 479–482
The Conformal Vega Disk
Pages 483–484
System of Visual Organization in Graphic Design
Pages 485–488
The Eyes Have It: Focal Point Choices and Compositional Geometry in Painting
Pages 489–492
Image Generation from Magic Squares
Pages 493–496
Taking Sides, but Who's Counting? The Decagonal Tomb Tower at Maragha
Pages 497–500
The Art of Manual Stone Carving as a Leap to Its Virtual Future
Pages 501–504
A Portrait of a Quadrilateral Group
Pages 505–508
How Can Mathematics Help in Identifying a Music Style
Pages 509–510
Just Twist, About Minimal Origami Models Based on Polyhedra Structure
Pages 511–514
Pavimenta: A Photo Tiling Tool
Pages 515–518
Symmetry, Marks and Meaning: Observations from Brand Identity Design
Pages 519–522
Designing Sculptures Inspired by Symmetric High-Genus Fullerenes with Mathematical Beading
Pages 523–526
Conjecture and Proof: A Case of Shifting Identities in Raphael's School of Athens
Pages 527–530
Amazing Labyrinths, Further Developments II
Pages 531–534
Mandelbrot Sound Map – A Tool for Mapping Fractals into Sounds
Pages 535–538
Unusual Tilings and Transformations
Pages 539–542
A Representation for Whole Numbers and Their Factors
Pages 543–546
Using the Golden Ratio in Multimedia Installations – Seeking for Beauty
Pages 547–550
A Brief Review of Frank O. Gehry and the Nationale-Nederlande Building
Pages 551–554
Genetic Weapons
Pages 555–558
The Sacred Cut
Pages 559–562
A Group Theory Approach to (re)Constructing Sol LeWitt's Drawing Series IV, #413
Pages 563–566
Transition of Matière feature of Claude Monet's Paintings Analyzed by Wavelet Transform and Co-occurrence matrix
Pages 567–570
Image Processing with Mathematica 8
Pages 571–572
Adventure of a Simple Circle (in the Jungle of My Mind)
Pages 573–576
Bridging Theater and Mathematics: a Playwright's View
Pages 577–578
Bridging Theater and Mathematics: a Mathematician's View
Pages 579–580
Decorating Regular Tiles with Arcs
Pages 581–584
Animation of Object-Oriented Program Execution
Pages 585–588
Cubic Fuzzy Precision: Tau-scaled Fractals from Plain-Vanilla Pentagrids
Pages 589–592
Conformal Tiling on a Torus
Pages 593–596
How Not to Bring Your Product to Market
Pages 597–600
Design Thinking LAB: Math Goes Fashion
Pages 601–604
Sundials from Toroid Surfaces
Pages 605–608
SPHERES + CUBES = x^n+y^n+z^n = 0
Pages 609–612
Graphic illustration of Elementary Particles
Pages 613–616
Workshop Papers
Pages 617–620
Using Mathematics to Make Poetry
Pages 621–624
Pieces of Pi? Polyhedra, Orthoschemes and Dihedral Kaleidoscopes
Pages 625–628
Build Something Beautiful and Interesting with Giant Triangles: An Entry to Deep Mathematics.
Pages 629–630
Calculating and Singing the Melody Sequences in Fauré's Song “Les Matelots”
Pages 631–632
The Vasarely Playhouse: Look and Combine!
Pages 633–636
Alabaster Sculpture Workshops
Pages 637–638
Exploring the Arts with Mathematica
Pages 639–640
An Exploration of Froebel's Gift Number 14 Leads to Monolinear, Re-entrant, Dichromic Mono-Polyomino Weavings
Pages 641–648
Human Geometry Workshop
Pages 649–656
Workshop Design Thinking Lab: Math Goes Fashion
Pages 657–658
Mathematical Modeling of Cartoon Images and Other Objects
Pages 659–664
A Workshop on Stellation Inspired Sculpture
Pages 665–670
Folding Your Way to Understanding
Pages 671–678
Triangle Tessellation Workshop
Pages 679–680
The Geometry of Paradise Flowers
Pages 681–684
The Magical Power of Our Eye: A Student Centered Approach to Building Bridges between Mathematics and Art
Pages 685–692
The Partial Implantation, At 1:2 Scale, of Rabaçal's Roman Villa
Pages 693–694
Proposal for a Workshop on Symmetry of Plane Patterns
Pages 695–696