Bridges 2009: Renaissance Banff II
Banff, Alberta, Canada
26–30 July 2013
More information
Front matter
Regular Papers
Mathematics Is Art
Pages 1–10
Mathematical Methods in Origami Design
Pages 11–20
Kircher's Mechanical Composer: A Software Implementation
Pages 21–28
Three Conceptions of Musical Distance
Pages 29–38
Using Turtles and Skeletons to Display the Viewable Sphere
Pages 39–46
Notation for a Class of Paperfolded Models
Pages 47–54
The Art of Iterated Function Systems with Expanding Functions
Pages 55–62
Harmonious Dances
Pages 63–68
Bridging Art Museums and Middle School Math Classrooms
Pages 69–78
Combinatoria Poetica: Counting and Visualizing Rhyme Patterns in Sonnets
Pages 79–86
Tubular Sculptures
Pages 87–96
Comic Books That Teach Mathematics
Pages 97–104
Art and Nonlinear Projection
Pages 105–114
Aesthetically Pleasing Azulejo Patterns
Pages 115–122
Marking a Physical Sphere with a Projected Platonic Solid
Pages 123–130
Coloring Uniform Honeycombs
Pages 131–138
Map-Colored Mosaics
Pages 139–146
The Unique Eleven-Pointed Star Polygon Design of the Topkapı Scroll
Pages 147–154
Composite Digital Mosaics using Duotone Tiles
Pages 155–162
The Symmetry of “Circle Limit IV” and Related Patterns
Pages 163–168
Symmetry and Transformations in the Musical Plane
Pages 169–176
Counterchange Patterns and Polyhedra
Pages 177–182
Non-Flat Tilings with Flat Tiles
Pages 183–192
Using Polyhedral Stellations for Creation of Organic Geometric Sculptures
Pages 193–198
Polyhedra Through the Beauty of Wood
Pages 199–206
Growth Forms
Pages 207–214
Using Works of Visual Art to Teach Matrix Transformations
Pages 215–222
Regular 3D Polygonal Circuits of Constant Torsion
Pages 223–230
A Garden of Statistically Self-Similar Plants
Pages 231–238
Real Tornado
Pages 239–242
Concave Hexagons
Pages 243–250
A New Method for Designing Iterated Knots
Pages 251–258
A Group Portrait on a Surface of Genus Five
Pages 259–264
Tiling the Musical Canon with Augmentations of the Ashanti Rhythmic Pattern
Pages 265–270
Spidronised Space-Fillers
Pages 271–278
Spirograph Patterns and Circular Representations of Rhythm: Exploring Number Theory Concepts Through Visual, Tangible and Audible Representations
Pages 279–286
On Constructing a Virtual Loom
Pages 287–292
ShamsehTrees: Providing Hierarchical Context for Nodes of Interest
Pages 293–300
Short Papers
Talking About Math/Art: The Long Pause
Pages 301–302
The Whitney Music Box
Pages 303–304
Mathematical Experiments with African Sona Designs
Pages 305–308
Honors Seminar: A Creative Interdisciplinary Approach for Student Exploration
Pages 309–312
Realistic Image Making with Mandelbrot Set
Pages 313–314
An Interdisciplinary First Seminar on Symmetry
Pages 315–316
This Equation is Art
Pages 317–318
ZenArt, graphic geometrical modules
Pages 319–320
Amazing Labyrinths, further Amazing Labyrinths, further developments
Pages 321–322
Finding a New Route to the Moon Using Paintings
Pages 323–324
Text from Truchet Tiles
Pages 325–326
Geometry and Geodesy: Estimating the Earth's Circumference with Prospective Elementary Teachers
Pages 327–328
A Myriad Shades of Green
Pages 329–330
Geometric Transformations in Surface Design Generation
Pages 331–332
The Quinary—Permuting Meaning with Generative Poetry
Pages 333–334
Spelunking Adventure II: Combining Cyclons
Pages 335–336
Binary Based Fresco Restoration
Pages 337–338
Plane, Space, Cubism and Perpetual Displacement in 3D Design
Pages 339–340
Mathematical Classroom Quilts
Pages 341–342
Mathematical Iconography in Gaudí's Cosmos
Pages 343–344
Chaos – The Movie
Pages 345–346
The Frustrated Mathematician
Pages 347–348
An Optical Demonstration of Fractal Geometry
Pages 349–350
Using Geometer's Sketchpad to Construct Pop-up Polyhedra as a Tool for Classroom Study of Geometry
Pages 351–354
Workshop Papers
Chaos, Complexity, and Creativity
Pages 355–362
Stories Count: Narrative Approaches to Quantitative Learning
Pages 363–366
Creating Islamic Patterns from Folded Shapes
Pages 367–374
Workshop: Working With Patterns To Introduce Mathematics Concepts To Young Children
Pages 375–378
Exploring Some of the Mathematical Properties of Chains
Pages 379–382
Bridges 09 Interactive Workshop: The Geometry of Longsword and Rapper Sword Locks
Pages 383–384
The Beautiful Triangle
Pages 385–388
Perspectives on Perspective
Pages 389–394
Workshop on The Fusion Project: Bridging Art Museums and Middle School Math Teachers
Pages 395–402
A Workshop to Build Three Simple Tensegrity Models for K-12 Mathematics Classrooms
Pages 403–408
Transferring Patterns: From Twill to Peyote Stitch
Pages 409–412