Everything is Number—Mathematics Meets Arts
Carsten Miller

Proceedings of Bridges 2010: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture
Pages 329–334
Regular Papers


The project &8220;Everything is Number” started in the year 2008 with a calendar illustrated by the Swiss artist Eugen Jost. All paintings deal with mathematical topics. The interplay of arts and mathematics provides fascinating insights into mathematics especially for students at school. Sponsored by the German employers' association Gesamtmetall the calendar paintings became part of an exhibition at more than 150 schools all over Germany. Students were invited to discover new access to mathematical problems and tasks. The feedback of the public towards the calendar and the exhibition was overwhelming. In the meantime the nonprofit project grew and we could publish books and a second calendar in 2010. In special workshops for teachers we show how to work with Jost's paintings in the classroom to motivate students for mathematics. Since October 2009 the project hits another peak with a temporary exhibition at the Museum of Technology in Berlin.
