Amigurumi Crochet Patterns from Geodesic Distances
Mirela Ben Chen and Michal Edelstein

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 369–372
Short Papers


We provide a brief overview of a recently published approach of generating an Amigurumi crochet pattern given an input 3D model. The main idea is to compute the geodesic distance on the surface from a given seed point, and then sample the equidistant curves non-uniformly, guided by the surface curvature. In addition, the mean curvature of the surface at crease lines guides the type of stitches used, to better adhere to the input shape. We believe that this approach would be of interest to both fiber artists and mathematicians, either as a starting point for crochet pattern generation, or as an interesting application of geodesic distances. This paper provides a brief introduction to our recent publication on computational crochet “AmiGo: Computational Design of Amigurumi Crochet Patterns”. The figures are partly reproduced from that paper with permission.
