Connected Weaving: What Computational Patterning Can Contribute to Complex Weaving Utilization
Lisa Marks and Owen Rohm

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 235–242
Regular Papers


The growing epidemic of endangered crafts requires innovation in how we seek to apply, document, and transmit these through our work. This project uses interactive coding and algorithmic scripting to create randomized weaving patterns that follow the cultural rules of the technique of traditional overshot weaving. Beginning by creating a logical coherent definition of the many technical rules of overshot, we can create randomized “block diagrams,” or simplified weaving plans using the coding language Processing. We then detail how the coding expands these into full weaving patterns. We also illustrate how options are cross-referenced and combined to create distinctive textiles. These results demonstrate the potential of computational craft to connect history to contemporary designers as we document and progress endangered craft methods.
