A New Tile-Based Method for Constructing Single-Line Drawings
Robert Bosch and Izzy Snyder

Proceedings of Bridges 2023: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 37–44
Regular Papers


We present a new tile-based method for constructing single-line drawings. Our method involves positioning decorated square tiles on a rectangular board. We use a set of eight tiles. Each one has a light beige background, and seven of the eight are adorned with black line segments that connect one or more midpoints of certain sides of the tile to one or more midpoints of other sides. When we place copies of these tiles on the board, we follow one rule: we must arrange them in such a way that their black line segments join together to form a single line that enters the board on the left and leaves it on the right. Our goal is to construct a single line that can be easily traced by hand or eye when viewed from up close yet also resembles a recognizable target image when viewed from a distance.
