Rep-tile Font
Tomoko Taniguchi and Ryuhei Uehara

Proceedings of Bridges 2022: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 409–412
Short Papers


The terms polyomino and rep-tile were introduced by Solomon W. Golomb in the 1950s, and they were popularized in the society of recreational mathematics by Martin Gardner in the 1960s. A polyomino is a simple polygon that can be obtained by gluing unit squares. A polygon is called rep-tile if it can be divided into small congruent polygons which are similar to the original one. They have been well investigated in many societies including recreational mathematics, puzzles, games, tilings, arts, and designs. In this paper, we propose a method to design rep-tile polyominoes. Using this method, we design rep-tile font. You can use these patterns to generate tilings based on letters.
