AoC | Art of Coding – The Demoscene as Intangible World Cultural Heritage
Andre Kudra

Proceedings of Bridges 2020: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture
Pages 479–480
Short Papers


Art of Coding – abbreviated as AoC – is an initiative to get the demoscene recognized as first digital culture of UNESCO intangible world cultural heritages. The demoscene, rooted in the home computer revolution, shows how skills and creativity can be stimulated and implemented in a digital cultural practice. With producing demos as digital art pieces, many of its techniques and mindsets became core influences of digital change, still vibrant today. Seven decades after the invention of computers the demoscene concluded it is time to push for the next step to take born-digital culture seriously as part of the world’s cultural heritage. This paper serves as both an introduction and an invitation to all sceners and non-sceners to join the initiative and support it in the upcoming years.
