Hungry Birds – a STEAM experience
Melissa Silk, Corey Stewart, and Annette Mauer

Proceedings of Bridges 2019: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture
Pages 561–568
Workshop Papers


Transdisciplinary STEAM experiences often produce enhanced breakthrough moments where learning thresholds are crossed and so-called curriculum boundaries broken. But what is STEAM? Why would we combine four knowledge areas: science, engineering, technology and math (STEM) into one acronym and add the ‘A’ to acknowledge interconnectivity with the Arts? We do this to reinforce connectedness in all its learning forms. Effective STEAM desegregates conceptual learning experiences and encourages a new form of 3R’s vocabulary to emerge as foundation for 21st and 22nd century knowledge and skills. Hungry Birds provides a splash of playful creativity in the vast sea of transdisciplinary learning potential. Hungry Birds is essentially a math-making experience, never losing sight of the complexity, beauty and elegance of its mathematical foundation.
