Decorating Regular Polyhedra Using Historical Interlocking Star Polygonal Patterns — A Mathematics and Art Case Study
Reza Sarhangi

Proceedings of Bridges 2014: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture
Pages 243–252
Regular Papers


This paper reports on the application of some historical interlocking patterns for the embellishment of the regular polyhedra (Platonic and Kepler-Poinsot solids). Such patterning can be extended to cover surfaces of some other convex and non-convex solids. In this regard, first the Shamseh n/k star polygon method and the radial grid method will be employed, and step-by-step geometric constructions will be demonstrated, then the girih tile modularity method will be used to explore more patterning designs. Then, the girih tile modularity is used to explore more patterning designs.
