Geometry as Libera(l)ing Art in Wren's St. Paul's Cathedral - Abstract
Steve Padget

Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science
Pages 287–288


Following plague, fire and civil war, the building of the new St. Paul's Cathedral was intended to signal a restored/redeemed heart of the city, nation and world. To this monumental task, Christopher Wren brought his many talents and characteristics. Among these were his status as: 1) staunch royalist, 2) devout Christian, 3) scientist, 4) architect and 5) synthesist (a la Newton, Boyle and Kepler). Perhaps "most important for this study, Wren brought his abilities as a geometer/mason to the job of designing this important edifice. It is in the symbolic use of geometry as consistent with Wren's status as geometer/mason that this study will primarily look.
