Sliceform Sculptures-a Bridge between Art and Mathematics - Abstract
John Sharp

Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science
Pages 275–276


At the end of the nineteenth century, mathematicians created many models of geometrical surfaces which were beautifully crafted. They are as artistic as the many mathematical computer graphics created at the end of this century. Following the Great Exhibition of London in 1851, a museum was set up to display the arts and sciences. In 1876 this held an exhibition of scientific apparatus which included a large section on mathematical models. As a result of this exhibition, the Science Museum separated from the museum of the decorative arts (the Victoria and Albert Museum). One of the exhibits in the 1876 exhibition was a group of models of quartic surfaces constructed as sets of circular slices. They were slotted together in such a way as to continuously deform. They were discovered by a mathematician called Olaus Henrici and are often seen described in books on mathematical models [1] and three dimensional geometry [2]. The models that were displayed were by the Gennan A Brill.
